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Personal financial literacy. The student applies mathematical process standards to develop an economic way of thinking and problem solving useful in one's life as a knowledgeable consumer and investor. The student is expected to:


(A) solve real-world problems comparing how interest rate and loan length affect the cost of credit;


(B) calculate the total cost of repaying a loan, including credit cards and easy access loans, under various rates of interest and over different periods using an online calculator;


(C) explain how small amounts of money invested regularly, including money saved for college and retirement, grow over time;


(D) calculate and compare simple interest and compound interest earnings;


(E) identify and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different payment methods;


(F) analyze situations to determine if they represent financially responsible decisions and identify the benefits of financial responsibility and the costs of financial irresponsibility; and


(G) estimate the cost of a two-year and four-year college education, including family contribution, and devise a periodic savings plan for accumulating the money needed to contribute to the total cost of attendance for at least the first year of college.

8th Grade Math Videos

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