This post explains and gives practice opportunities related to TEKS 3.6A:
classify and sort two- and three-dimensional figures, including cones, cylinders, spheres, triangular and rectangular prisms, and cubes, based on attributes using formal geometric language
In third grade, students use increasingly complex vocabulary to classify and sort shapes. Here's a video about 2D shapes.
And here's a separate video about 3D solids.
Finally, we look at what makes prisms unique.
STAAR Practice
Between 2016 and 2024 (including redesign practice), this readiness standard has been tested 15 times on the STAAR test. Videos explaining each problem can be found below. If you'd rather take a quiz over these questions, click here. The videos below are linked to each question in the quiz as answer explanations after the quiz is submitted.
To view all the posts in this 3rd grade TEKS review series, click here.